Winter Satellite Workshop 2024

with Remote Sensing Days and FinCOSPAR Convention 17-19 January 2024, Espoo Dipoli, Finland


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Winter Satellite Workshop 2024

The Winter Satellite Workshop is the successor of the Satellite Workshop, the largest New Space meeting in Finland, Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. It brings together space tech specialists, scientists, and students to discuss current topics in a rapidly developing space field. The scope of the workshop set on New Space, small satellite missions, small satellite platform development, space science and instruments, Earth Observation and sustainable utilization of space.

Science ProgramEXPO Program

Keynote highlights


Luigi Colangeli

Head of ESA Solar System Missions Division


Timo Pesonen

Director General for Defence Industry and Space at the European Commission


Tero Vihavainen

Head of the Finnish Space Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment


Erik Kulu

Founder of world largest smallsat database

Remote Sensing Days

Over 25 yers, the Finnish Remote Sensing Club has arranged a workshop, called Finnish Remote Sensing Days. Since 2020 Remote Sening Days have been organized together with Satellite Workshop.

Keynote highlights


Petteri Taalas

Director General of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, 2016-2023 Secretary-General of World Meteorological Organization


Jarkko Koskinen

Chairman of ESA Programme Board for Earth Observation, Deputy Director General, National Land Survey


Shay Strong

VP of Analytics at ICEYE

FinCOSPAR 2024

The XIX meeting of Finnish space research, FinCOSPAR is arranged together with WSW2024. The Finnish National Committee of COSPAR has participated in The committee on Space Research (COSPAR) since 1964.

Keynote highlights


Joonas Nättilä

Researcher, Univeristy of Helsinki

Extreme space weather around neutron stars and black holes

European launches

Keynote highlights


Jøran Grande

Director Space Academy, Andøya Space

Spaceport Andøya


Karin Holmqvist

VP of Strategy and Sustainable Business at SSC

Spaceport Kiruna


Pablo Gallego Sanmiguel

PLD Space Senior Vice President

PLD Miura rocket family

Satellite Communication and Navigation

Keynote highlights


Erzsébet Fitori

Executive Director, Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking


Yamina Kelm

Edge Computing & Innovations at Deutsche Telekom

Community events


Company and Institution booths

17.1.2024, 10:00 - 19.1.2024, 16:00


Space Generation young professionals

gathering on 18.1.2024 @ 17:30

Sponsored by ICEYE


Space Tech Unite! Education Summit

Space educators from UNITE! universities meet at WSW2024.


Aurora Region Space Economy Ecosystem

Project meetings and gatherings


Finnish Centre of Excellence in Research of Sustainable Space

Project meetings and gatherings


Student space career launchpad

18.1.2024 at EXPO are 15:00 - 17:00


Space for Sustainability

Our conference helps to leverage space for sustainable life on our planet.


Aalto University, Espoo

17-19 January 2024

Stay tuned for the schedule

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